Monday, 23 February 2009

Tonight Matthew, I will be eating my own body weight in sheperd's Pie......

I slow roasted a whole shoulder of lamb at the weekend. We had it with roasted roots - including my sister's fabulous home grown pumpkin. The lamb was lovely - all soft and juicy. There was quite a lot of it left, so I got my kitchen boy to take all the meat off the bone and cut it up into smallish pieces.

I then sweated down some leeks, carrots and celery until they were just cooked and then added the left over gravy and a small amount of fresh chopped rosemary and thyme. I then added the lamb and chilled the whole thing.

It was then topped with creamy mash and brushed with butter. We ate it with buttered cabbage and peas and it was deeeelish. There are only two of us but somehow I always seem to cook enough for three (and sometimes four - it's the caterer in me) So instead of saving a portion, we greedily scoffed the lot.

Move along the trough Porky.....

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